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Duna nos Luz Berde

Danki na Bo sosten partido AVP por a sirbi Aruba durante añanan largo. Den periodo 2009-2017 nos a traha duro pa haci nos isla miho, mas bunita y mas solido. Nos a logra hopi. Pero tin hopi mas pa haci. E trabou cu nos a haci durante ultimo e periodo aki ainda ta visibel tur caminda: kilometernan di caminda a wordo construi y hopi mas a wordo reconstrui. Barionan y areanan publico cu tabata decai awe ta bunita y dushi pa biba y pasa tempo aden. E hospital nobo t’ey awor pa duna miho servicio na comercio y miho cuido na ciudadanonan. Scolnan cu tabata den mal estado a wordo reconstrui y a traha scolnan nobo. Cada un di e proyectonan aki a contribui na crea trabou y miho servicio. Nan ta embeyece nos pais y crea oportunidadnan nobo pa nos hendenan y nos economia.

Tuma contacto cu mi

 Expromer minister Mike Eman ta extende condolencia y forza na Sint Maarten

Den un comunicacion directo na e Promer Minister di Sint Maarten, cu a sufri perdida di cuater di su ciudadanonan a concequencia di Corona-virus, ExPromer Minister Mike Eman a extende palabranan di sosten y solidaridad na e Promer Minister Silveria Jacobs, famia di e fayecidonan y e Pueblo di Sint Maarten.

E mensahe di condolencia di ExPromer Minister y Lider di AVP, mr. Mike Eman a expresa e siguiente sentimientonan: 

Honorable Prime Minister Jacobs, Dear Silveria,

It is with a heavy heart that we have received the news that the community of Saint Martin has suffered the loss of four of its esteemed citizens as a consequence of the Corona-virus. We share your grief and pain and stand by you, the families and the People of Saint Martin during these very difficult and strenuous times.

Please convey to the families of the diseased and the People of Saint Martin that we in Aruba are very much touched by their loss and that our collective hearts are heavy with sympathy.

May our condolences bring you comfort and may our prayers ease the pain of this loss.

Prime Minister we offer you and the People of Saint Martin our thoughts, prayers and well-wishes during this dark time in your life. May care and love and unity in Saint Martin and solidarity among sister Islands provide comfort and peace to get you and us through the days ahead.

My most sincere condolences,

M.G. (Mike) Eman

Leader Aruba’s People Party (AVP)